Press Release: Unstoppable Software Client Wins Patent for Biometric Authentication

Often, our technologists at Unstoppable Software work with clients to develop new ideas, methods and business processes to grow their businesses and drive innovation. Along the way, many clients have asked us if they thought their technology was patentable – a question that we usually tell folks they need to ask a qualified attorney.

Recently however, one of our clients in California found that their technology was indeed patentable, when they were awarded a patent for authentication technology that we helped them explore and develop. Kurt Yap, of BPIP, LLC was awarded a US patent for a “Device and Method for validating a user using an intelligent voiceprint”, Patent #US10044710B2, which is the foundation for his software authentication platform, “PsycholBabble”.

In reference to our work on the project, Mr. Yap said “software developer Unstoppable Software was excellent in providing insight and suggestions for our business objectives, and meeting PsycholBabble’s expectations for a high quality software engineering firm”.

This patent describes a new approach to authentication using biometric methods as well as mnemonic data that, in our opinion, is more usable and secure than other existing approaches.

And we’re not the only ones who think so – shortly after patent approval, Google, Vonage, and Interactions LLC referenced this patent in other patent applications, which we think shows that our client is clearly on to something powerful.

BPIP is continuing to invest in the development of PsycholBabble, and is currently securing additional venture capital to accelerate that process, as well as securing related child patents.

If you or your firm would like to learn more about this biometric authentication technology, or how we can help companies develop innovative new technologies, please contact us and we’ll be happy to facilitate an introduction.

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