Legacy System Maintenance for Building Materials & Supplies Manufacturer


A Building Materials & Supplies manufacturer found itself entangled in a web of legacy systems built on disparate technology platforms. Over the years, the company had developed numerous custom software solutions to streamline various aspects of its operations, from inventory management to supply chain logistics. While these systems were functional, they were built on outdated technologies that posed significant challenges in terms of scalability, interoperability, and maintenance.

The challenge lay in the fact that a lone software developer held the intricate knowledge required to maintain and support these legacy systems. They had been with the company for over a decade and had played a pivotal role in the development and upkeep of the software infrastructure. However, their unique expertise made them indispensable, raising concerns about the company’s reliance on a single individual.


Unstoppable Software and the Manufacturer agreed upon a Legacy System Maintenance Plan, wherein a multi-pronged approach was implemented to address the company’s unique challenges. Unstoppable began with a meticulous assessment of the existing software infrastructure and gathered the company’s team members together so everyone could transfer knowledge at the same time.

Initial steps included centralizing and validating code in source control and establishing a robust foundation for ongoing maintenance.

Long term tactics involved leveraging Unstoppable’s team of seasoned senior full-stack developers, proficient in a diverse range of technologies such as .NET, Java, and PHP, to make bug fixes and enhancements to the manufacturers’ systems. Weekly collaboration meetings were held to foster better communication and accountability.


By partnering with Unstoppable Software, the Manufacturer not only mitigated the risk of their legacy systems going down but also unlocked opportunities for innovation and growth. Unstoppable empowered the company to embrace a future-ready approach to software infrastructure, positioning them for sustained success in the dynamic manufacturing landscape.


By proactively addressing the challenges posed by its legacy systems and the dependency on a single developer, the Manufacturer was able to achieve the following outcomes:

<em>Reduced Risk Exposure</em>: The company significantly mitigated the risks associated with their integral developer’s potential departure, or sudden demands, by fostering a more collaborative and resilient software development ecosystem.

<em>Enhanced Operational Efficiency</em>: Modernization efforts led to streamlined processes, improved interoperability, and enhanced scalability, thereby bolstering operational efficiency and agility.

<em>Future-Readiness</em>: By embracing modern technologies and agile practices, they became positioned for future growth and innovation.


Building Materials & Supplies Manufacturer

Project Budget


Project Timeframe

About 2.5 years

Estimated ROI

See Results section

Technologies Used

Embarcadero, Java Struts

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