Job Booking System


The sales department of a $6 billion company required sales people to use paper and email to manage job bookings for their 120-person engineering team and factory production departments. The system was inefficient and made it extremely difficult to track jobs and prepare reports. The company consulted with Unstoppable Software to design and implement an online system to manage job bookings.


Over the course of this 2-year engagement, we designed, developed and implemented a web-based system that allowed sales people to submit jobs and upload files to a controlled document management repository. The system gathered all the necessary job data, and automatically sent email reminders to team members so they could respond appropriately to requests. We also connected the system to an electronic dashboard system so management could see exactly how many jobs were flowing through the department and manage resources appropriately.

Most importantly to their business goals, this system drastically reduced the amount of time sales people had to spend on internal follow-up with engineering, factory, contract management and construction teams – meaning they could spend more time working with prospects and customers to drive business growth instead of “herding cats”.


Job Booking System

Project Budget


Project Timeframe

2 years

Estimated ROI

The system significantly reduced errors and labor costs, leading to an estimated ROI of 900%.

Technologies Used

ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server, M-Files API, jQuery, AJAX, HTML, Windows Services

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